Speaker Paul Ryan Interview With Fox News Sean Hannity †Feb 16th (Video) †“Two Undefined Budgets”…

Fox News host Sean Hannity had a sit down interview with Speaker Paul Ryan earlier, and the discussion content therein contains some critical information.

[*NOTE* Thank You to Fox News for taking suggestions to authorize and release download sharable content on social media via You Tube].

Paul RyanThe setting:  Firstly, no-one who has deep understanding of political constructs trusts Paul Ryan.  PERIOD.

This interview doesn't change that valid and central truism one iota.  There are Trillions of dollars at stake.

Paul Ryan is setting up the groundwork in his preparation to orchestrate the financial legislative priorities of Tom Donohue, Wall Street and the U.S. CoC.   If you don't grasp that basic foundation, you'll be entirely lost for the remainder of the year.

That said, if we want to see how he plans to pull off the big con – we must discover his timeline.


We know after they lost the election to Donald Trump, the fallback position for Wall Street/CoC/Big GOPe, ie. "The Big Club", was to construct the Ryan BAT Tax (Border Adjustment Tax), insert it into 2018 and then add new legislative income tax structures to shift tax burdens from Wall Street to Main Street (consumers and wage earnings).   The question is not "if", but rather "how" and "when".

We know Ryan's GOPe has put Mulvaney in place to construct flexible Trump budgetary parameters;  this, I believe is an effort to trick President Trump on behalf of The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Donohue, McConnell and Ryan.  Again, this approach is just their traditional playbook.

The key to blocking them is to discover the technique and the timing.

In the interview, Ryan talks of "two budgets" this year; which makes sense because we are operating without a budget and the Omnibus spending authority expires on April 1st 2017.

However, two budget constructs also makes Ryan's 2018 GOPe tax scheme easier to hide. We already know President Trump and Speaker Ryan are in disagreement over the BAT scheme.

♦ Budget #1 will most likely be the bridge to the beginning of fiscal year 2018 (Oct 1, 2017), because there is no fiscal year 2017 budget.   Ryan and Boehner's $2 Trillion Omnibus only goes through March 31st 2017.  They need a spending bridge to cover the last six months; two fiscal quarters (April – June / July – Sept '16).

However, Ryan also might be discussing Budget #1 as the first Trump Budget proposal.

The insufferable 'let-me-read-you-a-list' Sean Hannity never gets clarity on how Ryan is constructing this, because Hannity is always worried about his personal "muh conservative" talking points which don't actually mean squat when you show up to CPAC and clap for Omnibus Ryan – but watch my show and buy my books…  I digress.

♦ Budget #2 will most likely be the FY 2018 budget which will include the toxic and manipulative tax reform aspects that GOPe will attempt to con the public on behalf of Donohue, Wall Street and the lobbyists paying for the legislative constructs.   Again, Hannity never gained any clarity.

What we do know is there will be two budgets, one of those budgets will most likely be a six month bridge, the other will be Fiscal Year 2018 and will have tax changes.  President Trump will be involved in at least one construct. President Trump might be proposing one or both (most likely just one).

Hopefully, Trump is not constructing the bridge budget (6 months Apr-Sept), but is instead focused on Fiscal Year 2018 which would be the accurate budget for an incoming presidency to be accountable to focus on.  But watch out for Mulvaney/Ryan trickery here.

The missing six months (April to Sept '17) is Ryan's millstone to carry because he's the short-sighted idiot that never ensured a fiscal year 2017 budget was passed.

Here's the interview in two segments:

Part 2



Source: www.bing.com

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Speaker Paul Ryan Interview With Fox News Sean Hannity †Feb 16th (Video) †“Two Undefined Budgets”… Rating: 4.5 Posted by: Brot Trune

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