The Latest: Car used in attack was rented in Birmingham

The latest on the attack outside Britain's Parliament (all times local):

11 p.m.

Dozens of French teenagers have returned to their homeland after a traumatic school trip to London during which some of them witnessed the attack on Westminster Bridge.

A plane chartered by their insurance company landed Thursday night at an airport in Quimper, in France's western Brittany region.

Some 90 students from the Saint-Joseph high school in nearby Concarneau were then driven to the town of Tregunc, also in Brittany, where French Education Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem and her colleague in charge of victims' assistance Juliette Meadel welcomed them back.

Three of their classmates, wounded in the attack outside the British Parliament Wednesday, remained hospitalized at St. Thomas's Hospital in London, where Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian is expected to visit them Friday.


9:20 p.m.

London police say a 75-year-old man injured in the atta ck on Westminster Bridge has died of his wounds.

In a statement late Thursday, police said life support was withdrawn from the man and his family has been notified.

The announcement brings to four the number of victims killed in the attack Wednesday in central London. The man identified as the driver of the car that rampaged across the bridge into pedestrians was also killed by police after he jumped out and stabbed a police officer to death.


7:45 p.m.

Several thousand people have gathered in London's Trafalgar Square for a candlelit vigil to honor the victims and their families and to show London's unity in the face of militant attacks.

Dignitaries, police and clergy, including Buddhist monks in brown robes, gathered on the steps leading to the National Gallery. There was a strong sense of solidarity and camaraderie, with Muslims mingling with Jews and people stopping to thank the police for their work. After speeches and a minute's silence � �� the crowd was so quiet that Big Ben could be heard chiming in the distance — the home secretary, mayor and acting police commissioner lit the three oversize candles to applause from the crowd

Sughra Ahmed, a Muslim woman who traveled from northwest England for the vigil, said she'd been reduced to tears on the square by a woman who went out of her way to embrace her.

"Britain is one," she said. "An attack on one is an attack on us all."


6:20 p.m.

Lights depicting the British Union flag have been projected onto Berlin's Brandenburg Gate in a show of solidarity after a deadly attack outside London's Parliament on Wednesday.

A night before, the Eiffel Tower in Paris switched its lights off and went dark to honor those killed in the London attack.

Those injured in the rampage included many tourists from around the world, including one from Germany and three French schoolchildren.


6:10 p.m.

British police say eight people have been arrested on suspicion of preparing terrorist acts in connection to the Westminster attack.

The arrests had been reported earlier but police did not specify the reason for the arrests until Thursday evening.

Seven were arrested overnight. Police say they included a woman arrested in east London; a man and a woman arrested in Birmingham; and a woman and three men arrested at a different location in Birmingham.

In addition, a man was arrested Thursday morning at a third address in Birmingham.

None have been charged and they have not been identified. Their ages range from 21 to 58.

The Met Police also say there were searches in Brighton and southeast London that have been concluded. Searches ongoing at addresses in Birmingham, east London and in Wales.


5:55 p.m.

Jordan's government spokesman says a deadly London attack by the extremist group Islamic State underscores the need for "coming all together to fight this evil ."

The group has claimed responsibility for the attack by a man who plowed an SUV into pedestrians and stabbed a police officer to death at Britain's Parliament.

Jordan is part of a U.S.-led military coalition against IS, which controls territory in neighboring Syria and Iraq.

Spokesman Mohammed Momani said Thursday that Jordan "strongly condemns" the attack and stands with Britain "in these difficult days."

He said his country is fighting the group militarily and ideologically, and that "this evil and terrorism will be defeated sooner than later."


5:05 p.m.

Britain's Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says the fact that victims from the London attack came from 11 countries shows that "an attack on London is an attack on the world."

Johnson, who is in New York to preside over the U.N. Security Council, told reporters Thursday he is confident the extremists will be defeated "because our values are superior ... freedom, democracy, the e quality of human beings under the law."

He said countries everywhere are uniting to defeat those responsible and their "bankrupt and odious ideology."

During his meetings in Washington on Wednesday and at the United Nations, Johnson said he has seen countries including from the Islamic world coming together to defeat the Islamic State extremist group "and I think that will have a big effect."

But Johnson said extremists must be defeated "in the hearts and minds" of their followers. He said Internet providers and social media companies must take responsibility, and remove sites that are radicalizing people.


4:50 p.m.

Iwona Romek, who said she lived for about five months next door to the man identified as the assailant in Wednesday's attack, said he had a wife and young child and appeared like a "normal family man who liked to take care of his garden."

Romek, a former neighbor of 52-year-old Khalid Masood in Birmingham, central England, to ok one look at a photo of the attacker on a stretcher and said "That is 100 percent him."

The home where Masood lived until he abruptly moved just after Christmas was raided by police late Wednesday.

Romek said Masood would walk the child, around 6 years old, to school in the morning, and that he rarely left in the evening. But one day she saw him packing their belongings in the black van he bought to replace a red Fiat, and then they were gone, months after moving in.


4:30 p.m.

Theresa May's spokesman says the British prime minister has visited a London hospital to meet victims of Wednesday's attack.

Spokesman James Slack says May also met hospital staff and thanked them.

He said the 40-minute visit was private and he did not disclose what hospital May visited.

Three people were killed and at least 30 injured in Wednesday's attack on Westminster Bridge and Parliament. The attacker was shot dead.


3:45 p.m.

Car rental company Enterprise has confirmed that the car used in the terror attack in London this week was owned by them and rented in Birmingham.

The company said in a statement Thursday that the car "used in the tragic attack in London yesterday afternoon was one of ours."

The company says an employee identified the vehicle after seeing the license plate in an online image. The company checked and immediately contacted authorities.

It says it is cooperating fully.

The company says "our thoughts are very much with the victims of this terrible tragedy."


3:40 p.m.

U.S. President Donald Trump is offering prayers and condolences to the family and friends of the Utah man killed in an Islamic State attack in London.

Trump tweeted Thursday that Kurt Cochran was "a great American," adding, "my prayers and condolences are with his family and friends."

Cochran and his wife, Melissa, were on the last day of a special European trip celebra ting their 25th wedding anniversary when an attacker plowed an SUV into pedestrians Wednesday on London's Westminster Bridge. The assailant was shot dead by armed officers.

The White House said Wednesday that the president had spoken with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May and has offered U.S. assistance.


3:35 p.m.

British police have identified the person responsible for the terror attack near Parliament as 52-year-old Khalid Masood.

The police say in a statement Thursday that Masood was born in southeastern England and was most recently living in the West Midlands, in central England.

Police say Masood, who had a number of aliases, wasn't the subject of any current investigation and that "there was no prior intelligence about his intent to mount a terrorist attack."

He had been arrested previously for assault, possession of offensive weapons and public order offenses.

His first conviction was in November 1983 for criminal damage and his last was in December 2003 for possession of a knife.


3:10 p.m.

Spain's royal family has expressed condolences for the victims of Wednesday's deadly attack in London.

"Spain feels very close to the United Kingdom in this moment of pain," King Felipe VI said in a telegram Thursday to Queen Elizabeth II.

The king expressed "deep sorrow ... for a despicable act that violates the fundamental values that sustain our democracy and our societies."

He added that he wished for "normality to return to life in London."

Felipe and his wife Queen Letizia are scheduled to pay the first Spanish royal visit to Britain in three decades in June.


3:05 p.m.

The prime minister of Israel, which has faced a wave of Palestinian assaults on civilians and soldiers since 2015, has condemned "the murderous terror attack in London."

Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday "The citizens of Israel were among the first to face the challenge of vehicular ramming and stabbing attacks."

In a statement he sent condolences to the victims and wished the wounded a speedy recovery.

"We must stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the citizens of Britain and the entire civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism," he said.

Palestinians have killed 41 Israelis and two visiting Americans in a wave of attacks, mainly stabbings, car ramming and shootings, since September 2015. Israeli forces have killed 238 Palestinians during the same period, most identified by Israel as assailants involved in the attacks.


3 p.m.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's office says the Turkish leader held a telephone conversation with British Prime Minister Theresa May during which he expressed Turkey's solidarity with Britain in the fight against terrorism.

Officials from Erdogan's office said Thursday the Turkish leader also told May that Turkey shared Britain's pain over the attack in London.

The t wo leaders also reasserted their "determination" to jointly combat terrorism and share intelligence, the officials said.


2:50 p.m.

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, speaking on behalf of the U.N. Security Council, has strongly condemned the "cowardly terrorist attack" in London that killed or seriously injured "many innocent people."

Johnson, who was presiding at a meeting of the U.N.'s most powerful body, opened Thursday's session with the statement on behalf of the council's 15 members. He then asked everyone in the packed chamber to stand in silent tribute to the victims.

The British minister was in Washington at the time of Wednesday's attacks near Parliament that killed two civilians and a policeman, and wounded over 30 others. The attacker was shot dead by police.

Britain currently holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council and Johnson decided to go ahead with plans to travel to New York to preside over meetings on Soma lia and later on South Sudan.


2:40 p.m.

Italian Olympic boxer Vincenzo Mangiacapre has demonstrated how an unidentified attacker killed a policeman on the grounds of Parliament in front of the shocked members of his boxing team.

The killer, he said, had a knife in each hand and used them like drumsticks plunging into policeman Keith Palmer.

"He gave him around 10 stabs in the back, then he left the policeman and came toward us," the 2012 Olympic light welterweight bronze medalist said.

Mangiacapre and other members of the Italia Thunder boxing team were touring the grounds of Parliament when the lethal attack unfolded. They are in London preparing for a World Series boxing match against a British team, Lionhearts.


2:30 p.m.

A Mormon church official says a Utah man was killed and his wife was seriously wounded in the London attack.

Kurt W. Cochran and his wife, Melissa, were on the last day of a trip celebrating thei r 25th wedding anniversary on Wednesday when the attacker struck in the heart of London. He plowed an SUV into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, killing two and wounding dozens, then stabbed police officer Keith Palmer to death inside the gates of Parliament.

The assailant was shot dead by armed officers. The woman remains hospitalized.

The church said Thursday the Utah couple was also visiting the woman's parents, who are Mormon missionaries in London.


13:35 p.m.

European Union Security Commissioner Julian King is suggesting there could be a link between Wednesday's attack in London and the suicide bombings in Brussels exactly one year ago.

King said Thursday that "l don't think it was a complete accident that this attack took place on the first anniversary of the Brussels attacks."

He did not say whether the link went beyond that both took place on March 22. The attacks on Brussels' airport and subway last year killed 32 people.

King also said that "the methodology of the London attacker fits into a pattern of behavior which we have seen before" in vehicle attacks in Berlin and Nice last year.

King, who is from Britain, added that "the terrorist threat remains extremely high across Europe."


13:25 p.m.

British police say Westminster Bridge has reopened to traffic less than 24 hours after Wednesday's attack.

The landmark bridge across the River Thames had been shut since an unidentified assailant hit a number of pedestrians with his vehicle. He was later shot to death after rushing onto the Parliament grounds and stabbing a policeman.

The busy bridge is a popular tourist site for visitors seeking selfies near Parliament and the London Eye.


13:20 p.m.

Italy's ambassador to Britain says an Italian tourist who was injured when she was hit by the assailant's vehicle in Wednesday's attack is doing better.

The Italian news agency ANSA, reporting f rom London, quoted Ambassador Pasquale Terracciano, as saying Thursday she told him she had lost consciousness for about 10 minutes after being struck by the car's bumper. The ambassador had visited the woman in the hospital.

The woman, a tourist from Rome, underwent surgery for a compound leg fracture. She also suffered less serious injury to two of her vertebrae near her neck and head trauma.


12:55 p.m.

Queen Elizabeth II says her "thoughts, prayers, and deepest sympathy" are with those affected by Wednesday's attack in London.

The monarch said: "I know I speak for everyone in expressing my enduring thanks and admiration for the members of the Metropolitan Police Service and all who work so selflessly to help and protect others."

She also sent a message of apology to London's police force after plans to have her preside over the opening of the New Scotland Yard building were cancelled following the attack.

The queen said in the stateme nt Thursday that she looks forward "to visiting at a later date."


12:40 p.m.

A British lawmaker has choked back tears as he remembered his friendship with the police officer killed on Wednesday's attack on Parliament.

His voice breaking, Conservative legislator James Cleverly called for Constable Keith Palmer to receive posthumous recognition for his "gallantry and sacrifice."

He said he first met Palmer 25 years ago as "Gunner Keith Palmer" when both men served in the Royal Artillery.

Cleverly said the 48-year-old police officer, stabbed to death by an attacker trying to enter Parliament, was "a strong, professional public servant and it was a delight to meet him again only a few months after being elected."

Prime Minister Theresa May said Palmer had "paid the ultimate sacrifice here at the heart of our democracy" and that the suggestion of posthumous recognition would be considered.


12:35 p.m.

The Islamic State gr oup says the attack outside the British parliament in London was carried out by one of its "soldiers."

The IS-linked Aamaq news agency said Thursday that the person who carried out the "attack in front of the British parliament in London was a soldier of the Islamic State."

It added that the person "carried out the operation in response to calls for targeting citizens of the coalition."

IS has called on its supporters to carry out attacks against citizens of the U.S.-led coalition that has been targeting the group since 2014.

IS, who have been responsible for numerous bloody attacks around the globe, have also previously claimed certain attacks in a show of opportunism. Britain's government has not identified the suspect.


12:30 p.m.

Armed police officers were seen outside Sweden's Parliament and the government's headquarters following Wednesday's London attack.

Parliament's head of security told Expressen daily that safety measures had been taken "in consultation with the police" and Sweden's domestic intelligence agency "due to the event in London."

The Sapo agency had not changed the threat assessment against Sweden. In neighboring Denmark, the Security and Intelligence Service said Thursday the situation led to no reason to change the assessment of the terror threat against Denmark, "which remains serious." In Copenhagen, Denmark, heavily armed police also were seen outside the Danish Parliament.


12:25 p.m.

A Romanian diplomat said a woman who plunged into the Thames when a SUV plowed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge Wednesday has successfully undergone surgery to remove a blood clot from her brain. She remains in a critical state.

Romania's Ambassador to Britain, Dan Mihalache, told national news agency Agerpres Thursday that the woman had major problems with her lungs.

He said the woman, who has not been named, was transferred early Thursday to another London hospital that is better equipped to deal with her injuries.

Mihalache said her family was traveling to London. The woman and her boyfriend were on vacation in the British capital to celebrate his birthday this week. The boyfriend suffered a foot fracture.


12:15 p.m.

Poland's prime minister has suggested a link between the European Union's migration policies and terrorism — and has used the London attack to make her point, even though the identity of the attacker has not been released.

Beata Szydlo spoke just hours before British Prime Minister Theresa May said police know the identity of the attacker, who was British-born.

Szydlo said on TVN24: "I often hear in Europe, in the EU: Let's not link the migration policy with terrorism, but it's impossible not to link them."

The attack before the British Parliament left four people dead, including the attacker, and 29 hospitalized, including one Pole.

Poland's nationalist government i s at odds with the EU on a number of issues including migration.


12 p.m.

Pope Francis is sending prayers and solidarity to victims of the London attack.

In a telegram of condolence, Francis said he was "deeply saddened" to learn of the "tragedy" in central London on Wednesday.

He said he was praying for "divine strength and peace" for the families of the injured and dead.


11:35 p.m.

The world's largest body of Islamic nations and the Saudi king have condemned the attack in London, saying they reject such acts of terrorism.

Yousef Bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen, who heads the Saudi-headquartered organization, said acts of terrorism contradict the fundamentals of Islam. The OIC is comprised of 57 Muslim-majority countries from around the world.

Meanwhile the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, which includes Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman, described the attack as "a terrible crime tha t is incompatible with all values and principles of humanity."

The Saudi Press Agency reports that Saudi Arabia's King Salman sent a cable of condolences to British Prime Minister Theresa May in which he says the kingdom "strongly condemns this terrorist act." London is a popular destination for thousands of Saudi and Arab Gulf tourists.


11:20 a.m.

Spanish politicians gathered on parliament's steps in Madrid for a minute's silence for the victims of the attack in in London, among them a British national with Spanish ancestry.

At the same hour, officials and residents of the northwestern town of Betanzos stood in silence in memory of 43-year-old Aysha Frade, one of the attack victims and whose mother was born in the town.

In a note on its Facebook page, the town hall said that "Aysha was the daughter of a Betanzos resident and was linked by family and emotionally to our town."

Betanzos declared three days of mourning for the victims.

< p>Flags at the town hall and the parliament building were flown at half-staff.


11:15 a.m.

Iran's foreign ministry spokesman has condemned the attack outside Britain's Parliament, according to the official IRNA news agency.

Bahram Ghasemi expressed his sympathy with the bereaved families of the victims.

Ghasemi underlined that Iran invites all countries to form a coalition and foster cooperation aimed at tackling terrorism. He added that terrorism is not limited to geographical boundaries.


11:10 a.m.

A 26-year-old Portuguese man was among the injured when a man plowed into pedestrians with an SUV on London's Westminster Bridge.

Francisco Lopes told Portuguese channel TVI that he heard shouts behind him as he walked across the bridge and when he turned around he was struck by the vehicle which had mounted the sidewalk.

He said he lost consciousness and woke up wracked with pain. He sustained cuts on a knee and a hand but was released from Chelsea-Westminster hospital after treatment. "I was lucky," said Lopes, who lives in London with his mother.


11 a.m.

Britain's prime minister says people from 11 countries were hospitalized after the attack outside Parliament.

Theresa May said that 12 Britons, 3 French, 2 Romanians, 4 South Koreans, 1 German, 1 Pole, 1 Irish, 1 Chinese, 1 Italian, 1 American and two Greeks required hospital treatment. Police earlier said that seven of the 29 who are hospitalized are in critical condition.

A knife-wielding attacker driving an SUV mowed down pedestrians, killing two on Westminster Bridge before breaching Parliament's grounds and fatally stabbing a police officer. The attacker was then shot dead by police.


10:45 a.m.

Prime Minister Theresa May says "millions of acts of normality" are the best response to terrorism.

In the House of Commons, May saluted the "everyday actions" of "millions people ... goin g about their days and getting on with their lives."

Though streets around Parliament are cordoned off, the vast majority of London is open and bustling as usual. Parliament resumed sitting Thursday, less than 24 hours after the attack.

May says the resolve of ordinary people shows "our values will prevail."


10:40 a.m.

British Prime Minister Theresa May says police know the identity of the British-born man who went on a car and gun rampage at Parliament.

May says he was once investigated for extremist links but was considered a peripheral figure. She didn't disclose his name.

May says police believe the man acted alone and there is no reason to believe "imminent further attacks" are planned.


10:35 a.m.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has delivered a defiant message after a deadly attack, saying "we are not afraid."

May has told lawmakers in the House of Commons that "yesterday an act of terrorism tried to s ilence our democracy, but today we meet as normal."

She called the car and knife rampage that killed three victims "an attack on free people everywhere."


10:30 a.m.

France's foreign minister says three French teenagers hospitalized after the attack outside London's Parliament are not in life-threatening condition.

Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, after visiting the victims in London, said democratic nations should not be cowed by this kind of attack.

"We must say no to those who want to kill our democracy," he told reporters. "We will not put up walls."

While no information has been released bout the attackers' identity, Ayrault said authorities should fight against the radicalization of young people and against the Islamic State group in particular. Ayrault was at a meeting in Washington about fighting IS when the London attack hit.


10:25 a.m.

London's mayor has paid tribute to a slain police officer who tried t o stop a knife-wielding attacker who had entered Parliament's grounds.

Mayor Sadiq Khan says that 48-year-old police officer Keith Palmer "was doing the job he loved and protecting our city, protecting Parliament, protecting Londoners, unarmed, and he died in the course of his duty. And I pay tribute to him."

The attacker, who had earlier mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, was shot dead by police after stabbing Palmer. Two other people were killed in the attack.

Khan says that there have been "13 occasions over the last three or four years where attempts to terrorize us, to kill and to maim, have been thwarted."


10:05 a.m.

Britain's defense secretary has praised the work of police officers after the attack outside Parliament by a knife-wielding man driving an SUV.

Michael Fallon says that a "very urgent investigation" had been going on around the clock to determine whether "anybody else was involved."

Earlier, police sai d they believe the attacker who killed three people, including a police officer, acted alone and was "inspired by international terrorism."

Police have conducted major raids overnight and detained seven people.


9:55 a.m.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry says that a British national whose mother is Spanish has been identified as one of the people killed in the London attack.

A spokesman says that Spanish consular officials have made contact with Aysha Frade's relatives in Spain's northwestern region of Galicia when her identity was confirmed. He was unable to give any further details.

The regional Voz de Galicia newspaper said that Frade was 43 years old and was teaching Spanish in London.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with ministry regulations.

--By Ciaran Giles in Madrid.


9:40 a.m.

The British Parliament has observed a minute of silence to remember those killed in the attack at that hear t of the government.

The sitting Thursday is an important act of defiance, showing a commitment to the values at the core of the nation's government.

A man driving an SUV plowed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge on Wednesday before he fatally stabbed a police officer on Parliament's grounds. Two other people were killed, and police shot dead the attacker.

Parliament was put into lockdown after the attack.


9:25 a.m.

French prosecutors have opened a terrorism investigation into the attack outside London's Parliament because three French teens were among those injured.

The Paris prosecutor's office says that its anti-terrorism section has opened an investigation into attempted murder in relation with a terrorist enterprise. The move means French police would likely travel to London to pursue their investigation.

French authorities, whose country has suffered a string of deadly extremist attacks, have offered to work with British authorities on the investigation.

The injured French were part of a group of high school students from Brittany in western France on a school trip to London.

Three people were killed and many injured when a man mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and stabbed a police officer Wednesday. The attacker was killed by police.


9:20 a.m.

Romanian officials say a woman who plunged into the River Thames when a man plowed into pedestrians with an SUV on London's Westminster Bridge was a Romanian tourist in London to celebrate her boyfriend's birthday.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Ionut Valcu said Thursday that the woman fell into the Thames. It wasn't clear if she jumped or was thrown into the water by the SUV.

Romanian Ambassador Dan Mihalache told Realitatea TV that the woman sustained serious head injuries and has badly damaged lungs. Her boyfriend suffered a foot fracture. The pair haven't been named.

Mihalache said: "They were tou rists, unfortunately they were unlucky. They had come to celebrate his birthday." He said the pair planned to wed.


8:40 a.m.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says the attack outside Parliament in London underlined the need for pooling global efforts against terrorism.

In a letter to British Prime Minister Theresa May released by the Kremlin Thursday, Putin said the "forces of terror are acting in an increasingly treacherous and cynical way."

He emphasized that "it's necessary to unite efforts of all members of international community to confront the terror threat."

Putin offered condolences to the families of the victims and wished a quick recovery to those injured in Wednesday's attack.


7:50 a.m.

British police say they believe the attacker who killed three people including a police officer outside Parliament acted alone and was "inspired by international terrorism."

Metropolitan Police counterterrorism chief Mark Rowley says that police have raided six addresses and arrested seven people in connection with Wednesday's attack by a knife-wielding man who also mowed down pedestrians with an SUV. Rowley refused to identify the attacker.

He revised the death toll down to four, including the attacker, a police officer guarding Parliament and two civilians. He said that 29 people required hospitalization and seven of them are in critical condition.

--This item has been corrected to show that death toll, including attacker, has been revised to four.


7:25 a.m.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has condemned the attack outside Britain's Parliament in London.

The rampage occurred hours after Erdogan warned that the safety of Western citizens could be in peril if European nations persist in what he described as their arrogant conduct.

In a series of tweets posted late Wednesday, Erdogan said Turkey shared "the pain of the United Kingdom."

Erdogan tweeted: "We stand in solidarity with the U.K., our friend and ally, against terrorism, the greatest threat to global peace and security."


7:15 a.m.

British armed police have carried out a raid on a property in the central city of Birmingham, after an attacker killed four people before being fatally shot by police within Parliament's grounds.

Police refused to say if the raid was linked to the rampage in the heart of Britain's seat of power. But British media including the Press Association on Thursday quoted an unnamed witness saying that the operation was linked to the attack that also injured around 40 people.

A knife-wielding man drove an SUV into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before crashing the vehicle into the gates of Parliament on Wednesday. He scaled the fences and later fatally stabbed a policeman before being gunned down by officers. He hasn't been identified. Three pedestrians were among the dead.


4:10 a.m.

Chi nese Premier Li Keqiang says the attack outside the British Parliament in London was the first subject of discussion when he met with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia on Thursday morning in Canberra.

Li says that "together, we send our condolences to the prime minister of the U.K. and together we condemn terrorism and we stand against all forms of terrorism."

The Chinese leader says that "there cannot be continued instability in the world."


1:35 a.m.

New Zealand's prime minister is condemning the attack outside Britain's Parliament that resulted in five deaths, including the assailant.

Prime Minister Bill English told reporters in Rotorua that he has written to British Prime Minister Theresa May to express support for her government and to offer his country's condolences to the victim's families.

A knife-wielding man went on the deadly rampage in the heart of Britain's seat of power Wednesday, plowing a car into pedestrians o n London's Westminster Bridge before stabbing a police officer to death inside the gates of Parliament. Other officers fatally shot the attacker.

In addition to the dead, 40 people have injuries.

May has condemned the incident as a "sick and depraved terrorist attack."


12:15 a.m.

South Korea's Foreign Ministry says five South Koreans in their 50s and 60s were among the 40 people injured in London during the terror attack outside Parliament.

The ministry says the five were hurt when they were caught up in a stampede of people trying to escape the attack.

It says four of the South Koreans suffered broken bones and other injuries and a woman in her late 60s needed an operation to treat a head injury.


Related Posts To The Latest: Car used in attack was rented in Birmingham

The Latest: Car used in attack was rented in Birmingham Rating: 4.5 Posted by: Brot Trune

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